Love | Compassion | Service

Our Vision drives us to make a difference.

With Unconditional Love comes Compassion, with Compassion comes Selfless Service.

“The eye affected by a cataract swears there is no lamp in the room. An operation to remove the cataract makes that eye aware of the lamp. That operation is the symbol of the spiritual discipline that one has to undergo, in order to have a Vision of God.”
~ Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~


This statement is short, but with a deep meaning…

With Unconditional Love comes Compassion, with Compassion comes Selfless Service. 

Although our primary activity is to raise the consciousness of others through song and dance, namely Raam Bhajan, Kolatam, Bhajanas and prayers, it goes much deeper than that. 

We want to take our members and those in the community and “move” them from their current position or circumstances to a better place. 

Regardless of where they are in life (financially, professionally, emotionally, etc.). We want to move them to an improved situation irrespective of how they interact with us, we want them to be better off having done so. 

If you want to be remembered, do something positively great.
Join us and make a difference

Be all that you can be by improving life and heal a hurting world.