Love | Compassion | Service
We have many Seva Programs to engage contributors, donors and volunteers from various walks of life! Seva is a Hindu terminology which refers to selfless service for altruistic purposes on behalf of, and for the betterment of a Community.
We need your Helping Hands!
Although we are a Hindu based organisation, we firmly believe in the unity of faiths and that we are here, and that this organisation exists, for the purpose of impacting people for eternity. This is our ultimate goal.
Find a project that works for you
‘Anna’ means food and ‘Dhaanam’ means to donate. Annadhaanam is regarded as the highest form of charity in Hindu culture.
SRBM has created a school feeding campaign, called “Food 4 Thought”. This campaign is intended to alleviate short-term hunger, improve nutrition and cognition of children,
We have adopted a school in Lenasia South to provide free lunch everyday from Monday to Friday to feed with utmost love and respect. the underprivileged children with sumptuous food.
With your support and contribution we can grow this campaign to all schools in Lenasia South and thereafter it may become a national campaign.
Our elderly citizens must be especially cared for with utmost respect and compassion. They also need to feel and look good.
SRBM2020 Campaign of Love, Compassion and Service is beyond boundaries. Various programs are organised on a regular basis, to provide basic necessities for the elderly citizens.
We conduct programs for distribution of basic groceries, clothes, blankets, umbrellas, quick medical camps and aids such as (walking sticks, hearing aids, glasses, etc). to the elderly homes.
We also do monthly ManiPedi for females and men facial shaves and grooming.
A special gift is sent to the elderly citizens on Birthdays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Grandparent’s days.
With your support and contribution we can grow this campaign to other old age homes.
SRBM2020 Campaign of Love, Compassion and Service is beyond boundaries.
Various programs are organised on a regular basis, to provide basic necessities for orphaned children or a widowed parent.
We conduct programs for distribution of basic groceries, clothes, blankets, umbrellas, quick medical camps and aids such as (walking sticks, hearing aids, glasses, etc).
Our School Campaign includes school uniforms, school shoes, school socks, school stationery, school bags and reading and writing skills programs from qualified educators.
Coming Soon – Free Skills Development and Training to unemployed parents.
With your support and contribution we can grow this campaign.
Concerned about the planet?
So are we.
The world is always changing around us and the face of agriculture and food production is changing as well. We are overfishing our oceans and there is a worldwide crisis over water.
SRBM2020 Campaign of Love, Compassion and Service is beyond boundaries.
Our Solution is Aquaculture and Aquaponics.
Aquaponics are farm raised fish instead of harvesting them from the ocean and we recycle the fish waste through biologically active media beds and use it as food for plants, making it sustainable.
With this project, we aim to create employment opportunities through our farm and allowing local vendors to buy our products and sell. All proceeds will go toward the operations of our Aquaponics Farm and supporting our other community projects. This project is still in its planning and development stages and we hope to commence in 2019.
With your support and contribution we can grow this campaign.
Contact us for more information >>>
If you want to be remembered, do something positively great.
Join us and make a difference
Be all that you can be by improving life and heal a hurting world.